We collect your parcel from you and we deliver it to the address provided. The delivery address can always be changed as needed, we are not an agent for any other transport/delivery company (like DPD, or Fedex), your parcel is with us till we deliver it.
No, however, there is a set up price of £50 for parcel up to to 20 kg.
For any small, valuable item such as an envelope with documents, price can be negotiated, usually £25
£50/2.5£ per kg from Glasgow, Stirling, Edinburgh, Perth, Dundee.
£60 /3£ per kilo from Aberdeen and the Highlands.
You pay during collection, cash or by bank transfer.
When sending parcels to Slovakia/Czech Republic,or Europe, you pay in Scotland. When sending parcels from the Czech Republic or Slovakia or EU, you pay at collection or, if agreed, on delivery.
Price is quoted in British pounds, service can be paid by mutual consent in a different currency (euros, Czech koruna,Zloty …)
You are welcome to send anything you like apart from
* items that can go bad, like cakes, birthday or wedding cookies, especially during summer months, the van is NOT air-conditioned. In case of a delay that can occur for various reasons, we cannot guarantee the food is delivered fresh.
According to the Customs regulations which apply in the whole European Union there is a free movement of goods and persons and you can transport for your own use 4 packs of cigarettes, 60 liters of wine, and 120 liters of beer BUT non of these things can be in a parcel!! Any of these items would be confiscated and our company would be held responsible, we would be asked to cover penalties, lost profit, and all expenses. SO PLEASE do not! send cigarettes and alcohol. Our van was checked by the customs service/administration and was charged a high fine for cigarettes that were in someone’s parcel. If any cigarettes or other forbidden items are found in the future, all fees are going to be paid in full by the client sending or receiving the parcel. This can be up to 3000 euros for a fee and another 3000 euros for tax.
When entering the UK parcels are often physically controlled.
The UK is no longer in the EU, since 1/1/2022, and therefore customs declaration is needed for each item.
The HMRC website says to use a form CN22 for items up to the value of £270 and for any item of a value higher than that a form CN23.
However the form CN22 is used mainly for letters which have address written,and that is why the form CN22 does not have the address of the sender/recipient.
When transporting items with our company you only pay for the transport, no fees for customs or VAT.
When moving house, please pack things in same size boxes. It saves time and space during transport. When moving house or with more boxes than ten, you need to fill in a Packing List which serves as a customs declaration. Here you state the address pf collection, address of delivery, phone number, and all items you are sending.
Janko Mrkvicka
Slánska 32/40
Each item needs to be labelled with your name, address and a reference – JM1,JM2,JM3…..JM 67…
When moving house, you do not pay any customs fees up to the value of £1500.
When filling in the customs declaration, state shampoos instead of sprays☺.
Please find all forms on our website in the section “Documents”.
The filled-in documents need to be given to the driver during collection, one copy per each item.
Items should be packed in boxes (ideally banana boxes) or in a strong travel bag or a suitcase. When sending a bigger amount of stuff (over 30 or 40kg), pack items into more boxes/bags up to 15 max 20kg. We are unable to handle boxes over 20kg due to health and safety regulation
You pay for the total weight, not for the number of boxes.
In case you do not have any boxes, you can buy boxes from us, we deliver boxes for free.
Any parcel/item needs to be labeled with a name, an address, and two! phone numbers. We often struggle to get hold of the individual who is expecting a parcel, another contact is very useful.
When sending a higher number of items, please make sure each parcel/bag has a proper label with a name and an address to avoid any confusion or delivery to the wrong address.
On suitcases/travel bags, where stickers cannot be used, you can either use the original label that is already a part of a suitcase and state the name and the address there or make a new paper label and tie it to the bag/suitcase. You can also tape a paper label to the bag/suitcase with transparent tape.
Do not send stuff in black bin bags.
Do not send stuff in boxes from chips. These boxes are not strong enough.
They were made for chips, not for removals.
Fridges/Washing machines need to be packed ideally in original packaging. If you no longer have it, please wrap it in cardboard and then in stretch foil.
Mattresses are transported in original plastic packaging, alternatively wrapped in stretch foil.
Prams/Baby baths are transported in a box or wrapped in foil.
No on its own. These bags are difficult to store in the van, they slide easily, and they rip easily.
These bags should be placed in a box, fulfill, vacuumed, box taped, and labeled.
No. These bags are not suitable for transport. Your items can get damaged and the bags do not sit well in the van.
Any furniture, especially items from IKEA, although nice, is very fragile and we are unable to give you any guarantee that the item is going to be delivered undamaged. It is better to dismantle any item, the way you bought it, and pack it into boxes.
If the item can’t be dismantled, wrap it properly into cardboard (especially sharp corners) and then wrap a foil around it.
TVs are transported in original packaging. In case you no longer have the original box, we can still take it but without a guarantee. It is best to stick plywood… to the front of the TV and then wrap the whole TV into a blanket or bubble foil/wrap. You could also use a box from a bicycle
Bicycles – ideally in a box. You should be able to get a box for free at your local bike shop. If you do not manage to get a box, please loosen the screws on the handlebar and turn it 90 degrees, ideally also unscrew the wheels and tape them to the frame …. Loosen the screw on the pedals (key/tool number 15) and turn it so that it faces the frame. If you do not possess tools we can do it.
Do not forget to attach a label with an address. Ideally, attach it to the frame.
Animals – cats and ferrets are transported in cages and each animal needs all required documents/passports with all vaccinations marked/needed quarantine/electronic chip/deworming (applies the same as for dogs, please see below). Animals that are not subject to control can be transported without any restrictions.
Animals are fed and hydrated according to the recommendations of the client.
All animals need to have a collar, alternatively a harness (especially cats), food for 4 days, possibly some treats, and toys.
Dogs should have their own blanket or a basket so that they feel as much at home as possible.
Dogs travel first class, at the front next to the driver. Cuddles and good care are guaranteed.
Dogs and cats born in the EU need a passport, microchip, and deworming. Deworming needs to be done and administered on the day of the collection because an animal can enter the UK at the earliest 24 hours before boarding time, from deworming but not later than 72 hours from deworming.
Dogs and cats born in the UK need a Health certificate which can be issued by your Vet, it takes more time so plan ahead
Deworming needs to be done 24 hrs before accessing the EU as well.
Snakes and reptiles are being transported in boxes with a document stating their origin (this is issued by the shop or breeder…)
For insects, you need form CN23.
We don’t transport animal under CITES regulation, only if they were breed in the EU and have proof of origin
The delivery time depends on the number of parcels we are delivering and the distance. To deliver a parcel from Scotland/UK to Benellux takes 24h, to Germany 48 to the Czech Republic takes 2 to 3 days, 3 to 4 days to Moravia, 4 to 5 days to Western and central Slovakia, East of Slovakia 5 days or more.
Yes. It works the same way as from Scotland.
We deliver parcels to other European countries but since we don’t use other transport/delivery companies, the address for delivery needs to be on our way or somewhere nearby. We only travel through these countries – North France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, and Southern Poland.
No. The cabin needs to be available for the driver for naps/sleep. The journey takes 3 to 5 days. In case a client who is moving house (either direction) wishes to travel in the van together with the driver so that he/she is there at the delivery location, the hotel/s are booked and the price is fully covered by the client.
Yes. The Price follows our pricing rules.
Yes, we do it regularly. You can also get the item delivered directly to my address in Scotland and the item /parcel would be delivered with the next transport.
Yes, we can transport items to a max length of 3,5 meters and a max height of 1,75 meters. Please consider whether it is worth transporting such items. One cubic meter of space in the van costs £250.
If you wish to hire the whole van, when moving house, for instance, the price can be negotiated. The volume/cubic content of the van is 13 cubic meters which means that approx a one-bedroom flat (two rooms and a kitchen) – with furniture plus white/black appliances.
We are only humans and every now and then a parcel is delivered to a wrong address. We however do our best to find the parcel and deliver it as soon as possible. (We either go straight back and deliver the parcel the same day or on our way back.
When parcel gets damaged during transport – when our fault, we are happy to offer a full refund in case all fragile items were packed properly, box/suitcase properly labelled and driver informed about any fragile content in a parcel/box/suitcase.